Sunday I was able to go to the life drawing session that I used to go to before I started working. What a joy!!! Not sure if I got any decent drawings. It was the doing that was the joy! I'll be going back.
Last night I was "not babysitting" for my grandson. (See, I "DON'T BABYSIT!!!SO DON"T ASK!" But when your daughter needs someone to watch her son so she can get her masters degree and then a better job, what can you say? So that's what I do on Tuesday nights, I don't babysit for a couple of hours.) Anyway, as the evening wore on and T (who is about 1 1/2) got a little tired, he would occasionally stop playing and say, in a sad little voice with a tear in his eye,"Mama woowk?", then he would cry a little and I would hold him till he felt better. I'll be going back there too.
This was book club night. We read "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and then watched the movie tonight. The discussion was great, the food and wine and champagne (of course!) was lovely. But best of all are the women and the connections and the sharing and the laughing. There is nothing like it! I'll definitely be going back.
Then there was the full moon the night before last. The air was clear and almost spring-like. The sky was a beautiful navy blue with gray chiffon clouds drifting with the breeze. I wanted to sleep under this blanket. I was mesmerized. I hope to go back.