So tonight was the Chamber of Commerce dinner. I didn't go last year so I wasn't aware that it was a taste of all the local restaurants and an auction thing. Nice event. I always feel bad when an item doesn't get any bids, so, of course I feel like I have to bid on these items. Thank God, all but 2 of the 5 items I felt sorry for were bid on after me! I'm actually very happy about one of my "winnings" (don't you love it that they call it
winning when you have the high bid?!) I got 4 tickets to the local theatre production of my choice with some kind of dinner gift certificate. It was really a good buy at $70!!! This theater has been nominated and has won the "Jeff" (the Chicago version of the Tony) several times. Their productions are excellent! They are doing "Tommy" right now and I have wanted to see that (again!) for ages so I think I'll get 3 girlfriends and go! The other one that I got...not so thrilled, but the donor won't feel bad and that's important. I'll find a place for the deer antler.