Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nothing much

These are the new girls.
They're OK, but not my favorites.
Pretty stiff.
I really need to work harder and I need to get back to doing less structured folks.
I need to get into the studio more often.
I need to stop procratinating!

These girls are now hanging in a show with some very edgy art. I use that term loosely. Hate to be a snob, but to me a black bra that has been coated in a stiffening solution and then embellished with 2 eyeballs for nipples does not qualify as art. I know, and believe, that we all have the right to present our artistic views, but let's try to be a little more adult. This artist is well over 50 and should have a more mature vision. And if this is really his artistic vision, then he should be creating the bra and eyeballs himself, not just buying them and glueing them together.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Just finished her Thursday. I'm trying to get in the studio more. I had the opening for the Fused2 show which went well. There were to guys interested in my work, so that was nice. Good to get back in the groove...sort of. Now I have a show opening the 19th. Thought I'd do only the girls...the ballerina girls. So she's "The New Girl". I have another on the easle, not quite done. I'll post her when she's ready. My hope is that by posting paintings I will be motivated to paint more. Sort of like a year ago when i did "one painting a day" to get my butt in gear. Might have to resort to that tactic again!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Haiti, Avitar and an Italian restaurant

Having just read my daughter-in-laws journal post about the needs in Haiti, my heart is once again aching for the Haitian children, their families and the wonderfully selfless people volunteering in Haiti. Just donating money seems so simple and in a way selfish. It's so easy to just write a check. I admire the volunteers who have physically reached out to those in need. Some day, I hope that I will be that brave, that selfless,that loving. Until then, I pray that the angels of peace and safety will hover over Haiti and hold them all to their hearts.

Millions of peple have seen "Avitar". Tonight I saw it. My hope is that the millions who saw it came away with the same message that I came away with. That is actually so unrealistic. I guess I can only hope for 10% of those who saw it receiving the same message. I came away knowing that we have to pay attention. We have to open our eyes. We are all connected, our world, our universe, our souls, all living things. We cannot continue our prejudice and greed. We will destroy this world if we don't pay attention.We must pay attention. We must care. We cannot turn away. We must make the effort. I hope that this will stay with me and that I will make the effort.

Following the movie, we went to a wonderful restaurant. This is a family owned restaurant in a very Italian neighborhood. What a treat! The food is very nice, plenty of garlic and olive oil, and my first taste of fried romaine (olive oil, garlic, and a bit of lemon) loved it! It was the people who were the real joy though! Everyone seemed to know everyone else, and if they didn't they they seemed to really want to. I felt like I was visiting my friend's relatives...and by the time we left I felt like I might possibly be related! Can't really explain it but I'm looking forward to going back, and bringing my family.