Dropped this guy off tonight at a local gallery.
It's my "Peace Nest". The show is called " Toys, Trinkets, Accessories and Stuff".
I hesitated about putting it in the show because it isn't a "toy, trinket or accessory" but it does fit in the "stuff" category. So maybe someone will look at it and see my thoughts.
I put a couple of fun pieces in the show. One is called "Time Square" and it is a tiny (1.5" x1.5" piece) that is shades of pale blue encaustic folding in on a watch face that has no hands. Just silly, no intended message. Another is called "Time Out". It's a tiny bird's nest with a couple of broken eggs holding a watch face. Silly!
I also put in "Nora's Poppies". This is the tunnel book that I did for my niece Nora. I put this in the show because I could almost hear Nora telling me to.