From here I went to several other retail establishments to get me through high school and a short college carreer. After leaving college early I was fortunate to land my dream job as a fashion illustrator for Chas. A. Stevens in Chicago. So now I was working as an artist. All I have ever be an artist. Now I was making $47.50 a week! Over the years I have worked as an artist in many different venues, as a newspaper artist, a decorative painter, a muralist, a logo designer,and free lancing. I am
very blessed to have had these opportunities.I have learned so much from all of the artists that I have worked with. Much more, I have been told, than if I had gone to art school. Now, in the autumn of my years (wait isn't that a song?)I am, once again, a shop girl! It's a lovely job working in a very nice little boutique in the suburbs of Chicago. I get to put on cute clothes and talk to fun people and then go home with no stress in my shop girl life!I make a lot more money than those first shop girl jobs but that is not the important part. When I am not doing this I get to go into my studio and do what I love most...paint!!! This is what I must do. Except for raising my children, painting is what makes me feel real. It's what I must do. It is my air.
So being a shop girl has given me more than minimal wage. It has brought me to the point in my life where I can do and be what I was born to do.
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