Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'd just like to go through one whole day without any negativity. I'd really like one filled with only positive energy.


  1. I am positively with you on that, MJ. Is that what the pyramid is for?

  2. Actually, that is one of the "eggs" in my Peace Nest. I did this a few years ago for a show called "Vision of Peace". It's a nest made of a shredded world map and The Deseridata" ("Go placidly into the noise and haste..." google it, it's nice). Anyway the eggs represent the freedoms neccessary for peaceful co-existance (religious freedom, racial equality, and the freedom to choose one's lifestyle). It's mounted on driftwood representing the Earth and as a reminder that we must care for her.There's more to it, but I don't want to bore you. I also wrote a poem to accompany it. I'll post it someday. It's called "Vision of Peace" (clever!)

  3. I have heard The Desiderata, have you ever heard The Deteriorata? It is a spoof of that :-)
