Friday, January 30, 2009

Trip for sure!

YES! Tickets have been purchased! I will be going to Phoenix March 11 for a glorious, warm, 6 day visit with my dear friend and fellow artist. We are going to visit our friend who moved there last year. She is also an artist, and actually the woman ho taught me encaustic painting. It will be an art and laughter filled visit! I am so excited! This winter is just way to winter-filled this year. Wish I could leave tomorrow.
The pix above is from last year's visit. That's the 3 of us at the top of one of the vortexes in Sedona. Now, that was an interesting experience! I'm a little skeptical about things that are so commercial as the vortexes in Sedona. If something is supposed to be a "spiritual experience" it really shouldn't be advertised all over the place. So, we explored 3 of them. (Ther went my principes!) For the most part there was nothing remarkable, except for the scenery, until the last one, where this pix is taken. When we got to the top of this place, we all felt something. Can't say exactly what, but something. Sort of a peace I guess. Hard to put into words. I still remember it though. Nice. I do believe that there is something beyond our physical universe and that there can be and is communication with that something. So maybe that's what was up there...or maybe the air was just thinner. Dunno, but I liked it and hope we go again.

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